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Our Saskatoon Dental ClinicWestend Dental is a dental clinic in Saskatoon who is dedicated to helping you maintain optimal oral health. Our dental practice is devoted to exceptional customer service, comprehensive treatments, preventive care, and emergency dental services all with high quality care and a flexible approach. You deserve the best that a Saskatoon dentist office has to offer with the newest technology and materials. Our dentists attend hours of continuing education in order to bring to you the latest advancements and procedures for a dental emergency and general dentistry. A Dedicated Dentist Near MeAlongside our dentists are the hard-working ladies of our oral care support team. Comprised of knowledgeable assistants and hygienists. Our support team is here to provide you with a comfortable, relaxed and highly professional environment and work in tandem with your doctor in order to meet your oral health goals. Meet Our Dentists |
We want your visit to be stress free. |
Book your next dentist appointment or routine dental check-upWe are currently accepting new patients. Business hours are Monday to Friday and we are open Saturday and open Sunday as well. Conveniently located on Laurier Dr, easily accessible from Circle Dr in West Saskatoon. Contact Us